SOUP is such a simple thing to make!
-It can be as simple and healthy as you wish,
-you can add in whatever flavours and ingredients you like,
-it's great to use up any left over veggies,
-it is really a one pot wonder and
-the best thing is you can whip up a batch and freeze it.
I find soup a great thing to have if you're eating healthy.
It will fill you up and is great to have in the pot to go to during the day if you feel peckish. It holds great in flasks too for packed lunches.
ALDI do an amazing "Super 6" offer every week where they have 6 fruit/veg on offer for 39c each! I tend to start here and work my shopping around it!
This week i picked up some packets of juicy granny smith apples for snacking and lunches. I also picked up packs of leeks and carrots & parsnips to make some yummy soup. All these packs are just 39c this week! Amazing.
So in the evening i decided to whip up some soup for supper. I made enough for 2 days snacking and also freezing.
Here's the very simple version i did.
As i said, you can add in whatever you like - this is just what worked for me this time around. It turned out so tasty without tweaking it at the end, i said i would share it with you all. (all the veg i mention here i have chopped up ready)
1. In a skillet, on medium heat, heat some flora cuisine and saute 2 carrots; 1/2 large onion; 1 parsnip; 1 leek; 1/4 white cabbage; 1 garlic clove; fresh ginger (literally a tiny bit as it's strong) and a little fresh parsley.
(i start with the carrot, soften a little and add each ingredient in, softening a little before the next ingredient is added)
2. Season with salt; blk pepper; red & yellow aromat; cumin seeds and pour in boiling water to cover.
3. Remember that chicken stock we made from our chicken a few weeks back? Well, now is when we will use a tub of it from the freezer! (check out my blog on making stock) I run a pallet knife around the tub and top the frozen stock straight into the mix. If you don't have homemade stock, you can add a chicken stock cube or pot with some water instead.
4. Simmer for about 15 minutes.
5. Blitz your soup with a hand held blitzer if you have one. If you don't you should invest in one. I picked mine up for literally nothing - about 10 - 15 euro. It's hassle free as you can do so in the same cooking pot. Less cleaning or washing up..... result!
If you don't have a hand blitzer, you will need to liquidize in batches.
I did not need to add any more seasoning as i had enough from what i added already plus from the chicken stock.
I also was happy with the consistency of it. I did not need to add any cream or anything else. It was a thickish consistency and very tasty and flavoursome.
Served with some homemade brown bread or soda bread and butter is a recipe for contentment and satisfaction!
Sure to warm you up on these cold wintery evenings.