Tuesday 11 November 2014


I bought some buys over the weekend.
I went to a great Asian market shop in Dublin.  I could have spent hours in there reading jars and packets and tins of great produce!  I settled for now with some Almond oil; rice wine vinegar and some yummy Thai curry paste. 

Not only is this oil great for cooking, it’s great for hair, skin and all round great health.
Here are some benefits:
1.      Healthy skin:
·        Vitamins A, B and E
·        Reduces dark circles
·        Renews skin cells
·        Prevents skin cracking and other skin irritations
·        Great for shiny hair; split ends and can reduce scalp inflammation
2.      General health:
·        CARDIAC health benefit: by adding a tablespoon to your cooking everyday
·        BLOOD PRESSURE/CHOLESTROL: It’s high in potassium, low in sodium which helps to regulate blood pressure and maintain cholesterol levels
·        BLOOD CIRCULATION: As a massage oil it can enhance the body’s blood circulation or ease pain and stress from strained muscles.  You can massage into babies skin to help with bone development and soft skin.
·        HEALTHY NAILS: Can help with stronger healthier nails as it contains potassium and zinc.

You can search on the internet for some great ideas for adding this amazing oil to your diet or beauty and health treatments.

Wine vinegars are milder and less acidic so they make great sauces or salad dressings.
It's a sweeter more delicate version of a vinegar.
Great for
  • Vinegarettes 
  • Sweet and sour dishes
  • Marinades
  • Pickles
  • Chutneys
  • Butter sauces
  • Salad dressings

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